They don’t always re-use the same nesting site each time. The birds often conceal their nests in evergreens and produce several broods each year. Cardinals often use wild grapevine bark for their nests. They make nests with bark and twigs and line them with moss and grass. The males are territorial and will frequently attack and chase off other male intruders.Īttracting cardinals to live in your garden means providing vegetation suitable for nest sites as well as the food they like. This bird species likes to build its nests in bushes, shrubs, small trees, and thick vines between three and eight feet above the ground. The cardinal’s preferred habitat is in vegetation near houses and gardens and at the edge of woodlands. It is believed that the males evolved to bright red colors to help them attract a female and the camouflaged colors of the female could be for safety reasons. In the case of the cardinal, this means their coloring. Sexual dimorphism in birds means that two sexes of the same species show different characteristics besides just their sexual organs.
They lose all the feathers on their heads and appear bare skin of black or grey coloration. Sometimes the Northern cardinal will go bald.This is a genetic condition called xanthochroism.

In rare cases, some yellow cardinals have been seen. As they ingest carotenoids through their diet, it shows up in their feathers.

The red color of their feathers is actually from carotenoids in their feather structure.